dribs and drabs|dribs and drab in English


little bits, small amounts, bits and pieces

Use "dribs and drabs|dribs and drab" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dribs and drabs|dribs and drab" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dribs and drabs|dribs and drab", or refer to the context using the word "dribs and drabs|dribs and drab" in the English Dictionary.

1. And you make the rooms so drab and dingy.

2. The landscape is drab and infested with brick ovens.

3. The city, drab and dour by day, is transformed at night.

4. Another is the way that bad news comes and drabs, rather than in one cathartic revelation.

5. Bedrooms are sparsely furnished and the dining rooms look drab.

6. Her personality was drab, earnest and humourless and her appearance calculatedly unattractive.

7. It dipped and fluttered in the chilly air, its wings drab and flaky.

8. Bins are boring, drab accessories

9. 1 The city, drab and dour by day, is transformed at night.

10. Manyare extremely colorful, many are drab.

11. A drab and Cheerless office When could bleak be used to replace Cheerless?

12. Males have a Black head, but females are notably drab brownish overall and are best

13. Woodland Camouflage Olive Drab - Reversible Blousing …

14. I feel so drab in this grey uniform.

15. The walls were painted a drab green.

16. When I came to Manchester from Brazil everything seemed so drab and colourless.

17. The roads were busy, the buildings were grey and drab; there were tall, high-rise blocks.

18. They are depressing, alien environments, made more dismal by drab walls and endless corridors.

19. She seemed to like her drab vista.

20. Cheerless definition, without cheer; joyless; gloomy: drab, Cheerless surroundings

21. 16 They live in very comfortable/pleasant/drab/bleak surroundings.

22. Accentor birds are usually rather drab in appearance

23. Paul grew tired of his drab, depressing life.

24. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away.

25. Antonyms for Brummagem include conservative, quiet, tasteful, dull, modest, drab, elegant, refined, subtle and understated